Saturday, November 28, 2020

NGC 253 - Sculptor Galaxy

 The Sculptor Galaxy (also known as the Silver CoinSilver Dollar GalaxyNGC 253, or Caldwell 65) is an intermediate spiral galaxy in the constellation Sculptor. The Sculptor Galaxy is a starburst galaxy, which means that it is currently undergoing a period of intense star formation.

The galaxy was discovered by Caroline Herschel in 1783 during one of her systematic comet searches. About half a century later, John Herschel observed it using his 18-inch metallic mirror reflector at the Cape of Good Hope. He wrote: "very bright and large (24′ in length); a superb object.... Its light is somewhat streaky, but I see no stars in it except 4 large and one very small one, and these seem not to belong to it, there being many near..."

The above images is made up of 19 subframes 5 minutes each (95 minutes) stacked and processed in AstroArt 7 and tweaked using Photoshop 5.  The subframes were captured using a AT6RC scope mounted on an AP900 mount with a Starlight Express SXVR-M25C.  The AP900 was autoguided using a Meade DSI Pro camera and an 80mm f7 refractor scope.  The image data was captured while at Rusty's RV Ranch near Rodeo, AZ in October of 2020.

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