Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Venus Transit 2012

Both photos were taken from my front yard using a Cannon D1000 DSLR camera mounted on an Orion 120mm f8.3 refractor on a CI-700 mount.  The camera was in the auto mode.  Clicking on a photo will dispaly a larger image.  During the time the transit we were pleagued by clouds.  We had to remove the scope/camera assembly and cover the mount for about an hour due to rain.

Venus Transit of 20120605 taken at 8 PM from front yead.  Camera was a Cannon D1000 mounted on and Orion 120mm f8.3 refractor.  Camera was used in auto mode on a CI-700 mount.  Click on the photo for a larger fiew.  Besides Venus several sunspots are visible.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Venus Transit 20120605

Image of beginnings of Venus Transit taken 2 minutes after first contact.  Image was taken from my front yard with a Cannon D1000 DLSR mounted on an Orion 120mm f8.3 scope.  The camera was operated in auto mode.  Click on the photo for a larger image.  Venus can be seen in the upper right hand edge of the photo just entering in fron of the sun.  Serval sun spots are also visible.